Cyclops Tensor Framework
parallel arithmetic on multidimensional arrays
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 12]
 algebraic_multigridBenchmark for smoothed algebraic multgrid
 Ao_mo_transfTransformation between atomic and molecular orbitals
 apspAll-pairs shortest-paths via path doubling and Tiskin's augmented path doubling
 bitonic_sortBitonic_sort sort iterative method using gemv and spmv
 block_sparseAll-pairs shortest-paths via path doubling and Tiskin's augmented path doubling
 betweenness centralityBetweenness centrality computation
 CCSDA Coupled Cluster Singles and Doubles contraction code extracted from Aquarius
 checkpointTests read and write dense data to file functionality
 sparse_checkpointTests read and write dense data to file functionality
 DFT_3D3D Discrete Fourier Transform by tensor contractions
 fftFFT iterative method using gemv and spmv
 force_integrationTests custom element-wise transform by doing force integration
 force_integration_sparseTests custom element-wise transform on sparse tensors by doing force integration
 jacobiJacobi iterative method using gemv and spmv
 Matrix multiplicationMultiplication of two matrices with user-defined attributes of symmetry and sparsity
 misCode for maximal independent set
 mis2Code for maximal 2-independent set
 neuralNeural Network
 particle_interactionTests custom element-wise functions by computing interactions between particles and integrating
 recursive_matmulPerforms recursive parallel matrix multiplication using the slice interface to extract blocks
 scanScan iterative method using gemv and spmv
 sparse_mp3Third-order Moller-Plesset petrubation theory (MP3) with sparse integrals. Equations adapted from those in Aquarius (credit to Devin Matthews)
 sparse_permuted_sliceRandomly permuted block write of symmetric matrices from matrix on COMM_SELF to symmetric matrix on COMM_WORLD
 spectralSpectral element methods test/benchmark
 spmvMultiplication of a random square sparse matrix by a vector
 ssspSingle-source shortest-paths via the Bellman-Ford algorithm
 Strassen's algorithmStrassen's algorithm using the slice interface to extract blocks
 traceTests trace over diagonal of Matrices
 informaticsHigh-order nonsymmetric contractions
 TestsMatrix multiplication
 qrQR factorization of CTF matrices
 svdSVD factorization of CTF matrices
 bivar_functionTests custom element-wise functions by implementing division elementwise on 4D tensors
 bivar_transformTests custom element-wise transforms by implementing division elementwise on 4D tensors
 DFTDiscrete Fourier Transform by matrix multiplication
 diag_ctrSummation along tensor diagonals
 diag_symSummation along tensor diagonals
 endomorphismTests custom element-wise functions by implementing division elementwise on 4D tensors
 endomorphism_custTests custom element-wise functions by implementing division elementwise on 4D tensors
 endomorphism_cust_spTests cust_spom element-wise functions by implementing division elementwise on 4D tensors
 GEMM_4DFolded matrix multiplication on 4D tensors
 permute_multiworldTests permute function between different worlds
 readall_testSummation along tensor diagonals
 readwrite_testTests how writes to diagonals are handled for various tensors
 reduce_bcastSummation along tensor diagonals
 repackTests contraction of a symmetric index group with a nonsymmetric one
 scalarBasic functionality test for CTF::Scalar<> type and tensors with a zero edge length
 speyeSparse identity matrix test
 sptensor_sumSummation of sparse tensors
 subworld_gemmPerforms recursive parallel matrix multiplication using the slice interface to extract blocks
 sy_times_nsTests contraction of a symmetric index group with a nonsymmetric one
 univar_functionTests custom element-wise functions by implementing division elementwise on 4D tensors
 weigh_4DTests custom element-wise functions by implementing division elementwise on 4D tensors
 CCSDT_T3_to_T2A symmetric contraction from CCSDT compared with the explicitly permuted nonsymmetric form
 Dynamic scheduler
 Symmetry preserving algorithm for AS<-SYASA clever way to multiply symmetric tensors
 Symmetry preserving algorithm for SY<-ASASA clever way to multiply symmetric tensors
 fast_symA clever way to multiply symmetric matrices
 fast_sym_4DA clever way to multiply symmetric matrices of nonsymmetric matricers
 fast_tensor_ctrA clever way to multiply symmetric tensors
 Bench_contractionsBenchmarks arbitrary NS contraction
 Bench_nosym_transpBenchmarks the nonsymemtric transpose kernel
 Bench_redistributionsBenchmarks arbitrary NS redistribution
 Model_trainerExecutes a set of different contractions on different processor counts to train model parameters
 Nested distributed contraction and summation routines
 CTF Tensor
 CTF functionsUser-defined function interface
 Algebraic Structures
 Tensor expression compiler
 Partition/Decomposition interface
 Timing and cost measurement
 CTF World interface